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Beef Pepito with Cheedar and Bacon Crujiburger


Cheddar and bacon crunchiburger 1 Unit
Beef tenderloin 80g
Italian green bell pepper 30g
Mayonnaise 20g
Perrins Sauce 5g
Cristal hamburger bun 1 Unit
French fries 120g


- Mix the mayonnaise with the perrins sauce.

- Remove the stem and cut the green bell pepper in half lengthwise, cut each piece in half. Fry until golden brown. Remove on absorbent paper and season.

- Cut the beef tenderloin into medallions of about 40 grams. Season 2 pieces with salt and pepper and grill or fry on both sides on a very strong griddle or frying pan.

- Fry the croissant and drain the excess oil on absorbent paper.

- Lightly toast the bread on the griddle or in the oven. Spread each side with the perrins mayonnaise.

- Place the sirloin medallions, the fried green bell pepper and the bacon and cheddar crunchy burger.

- Serve with a bowl of french fries.