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Carrot crunchiburger with avocado and pico de gallo


Carrot burger 2 Units 
Lettuce  20g
Lima  1g
Mayonnaise 20g
Hamburger bun 1 Unit
Tomato  40g
Onion 10g
Cilantro 1g
Sweet potato 100g
Avocado 35g


• In a bowl we mix the tomato and the onion previously cut in small dices.

• Add olive oil and salt.

• Next, add the cilantro cut into small pieces and squeeze the lime juice over it and save it for later.

• Fry the sweet potato cut into strips.

• Fry the hamburgers.

• Cut the avocado and save it for later.

• To serve, put the sweet potato chips in a bowl and spread mayonnaise on the base of the plate.

• Next, place the base of the hamburger bun and spread it with mayonnaise.

• Place the lettuce, the pico de gallo that we have previously prepared, the hamburger, the avocado and a little bit of mayonnaise on top.

• So that the hamburger does not fall apart, place a long toothpick in the middle and leave the top of the hamburger bun to the side.