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The “tardeo”: daytime leisure and tapas are becoming the norm in new consumer habits

In Spain, as a good Mediterranean country, leisure and dining have always gone hand in hand. Whether in times of economic growth or crisis, Spaniards continue to choose to go out of the house, even if it means adapting their consumption habits to their economic possibilities.
And it is these habits that any professional in the catering sector must pay attention to, in order to adapt their offer to the needs and new habits of their clients.


And what do the most recent studies tell us? The barometer carried out by AECOC Shopperview assures that new moments of leisure have been consolidated that have more and more followers every day, leading to an increasingly daytime consumption. Concepts such as bruch, afterwork or the increasingly famous “tardeo” are already part of our daily vocabulary. They are moments to share, to have tapas and to spend a pleasant leisure time, enjoying good gastronomy at an affordable price.

In this context, options such as gastro bars are becoming the favourites of the Spanish for these moments of relaxed consumption. Places that encourage conversation, in a relaxed atmosphere and where you can taste a drink accompanied by a gastronomic proposal in the form of tapas or dishes to share.

This is why at Audens Food we work every day to continue expanding our catalogue of finger food and croquettes, which range from the most traditional recipes to the most groundbreaking innovations, always betting on quality and flavour as essential premises.


Thus, according to the same AECOC Shopperview study, 46% of people who go to restaurants say that they do so to escape and enjoy themselves. Socialisation continues to be the main consumption lever and hospitality becomes something more than going out to eat and drink outside the home, taking on special importance in times of crisis.

For 63% of consumers, the price factor is a determining factor when choosing an establishment. They will not give up leisure, but they will look for the most affordable formulas. Hence the resounding success of formulas such as the tardeo, in which going out for tapas and drinks in the afternoon has replaced, in many cases, dinners.

Finally, there are other factors to consider that can also make consumers choose one establishment or another. Trying new products and recipes is something that attracts 6 out of 10 consumers. Customers are also increasingly sensitive to issues such as inclusive menu balance that takes into account new diets, with a healthy offering without forgetting indulgence, or sustainability, focusing on avoiding food waste.


The “tardeo”: daytime leisure and tapas are becoming the norm in new consumer habits